Ohadi Duck Barns & Egg Room

Ohadi All Natural ducks are Goldstar 300, White Layes and Welsh Harlequins, especially bred for duck egg production and excellent for the Idaho table duck meat. All three breeds are producing a large yolk duck egg. Did you know that duck eggs are considered the best egg for baking by chefs at 5 star quality restaurants? Duck eggs are in demand for cooking and baking as well as exotic dishes prepared utilizing oriental recipes.
Three barns currently fulfill the needs to house, raise and provide a nesting area for laying duck eggs. Research has shown that fresh air barns are the most effective for eliminating the onset of disease because moisture and odors are not trapped in the barns. Air is circulates at all times in the duck barns, providing an ideal environment.
Three barns currently fulfill the needs to house, raise and provide a nesting area for laying duck eggs. Research has shown that fresh air barns are the most effective for eliminating the onset of disease because moisture and odors are not trapped in the barns. Air is circulates at all times in the duck barns, providing an ideal environment.