Where is OHADI? (Did you know Ohadi is Idaho backwards?)

Living high above the Snake River in southern Idaho, Kirk and Janie Nafsinger have a 40 year history of farming and ranching. What began as a family farm in seed row crops and cattle, has transformed into a tradition of good food for today's market. The cattle have gone and in their place are sheep and ducks, raised on organically registered ground. It is all about getting back to the basics of good food that is nutritionally sound.
NO mass production or fancy feed filled with all kinds of unknown chemicals and additives to boost production here!
The ducks are raised in a natural setting of rotational, free range pastures. Supplemented with natural whole grains, the ducks thrive. Eggs are gathered from the barns each morning and throughout the day, then processed in an egg room, under ISDA specifications with the highest of standards for cleanliness. The eggs are guaranteed to satisfy even the most discriminating tastes and cooking needs for high quality.
NO mass production or fancy feed filled with all kinds of unknown chemicals and additives to boost production here!
The ducks are raised in a natural setting of rotational, free range pastures. Supplemented with natural whole grains, the ducks thrive. Eggs are gathered from the barns each morning and throughout the day, then processed in an egg room, under ISDA specifications with the highest of standards for cleanliness. The eggs are guaranteed to satisfy even the most discriminating tastes and cooking needs for high quality.